California Megan's Law Website
California's Megan's Law was enacted in 1996 Penal Code § 290.46. It mandates the California Department of Justice (CA DOJ) to notify the public about specified registered sex offenders. Megan’s Law also authorizes local law enforcement agencies to notify the public about sex offender registrants found to be posing a risk to public safety. The California Sex and Arson Registry is the source of sex offender information displayed on this website. This database contains registration information provided by the offender to local law enforcement agencies. This website indicates that some of the registrants are currently in violation of their registration requirements. Any information you may have on these individuals should be reported to your local law enforcement agency.

Amber Alert
The AMBER Alert system is being used in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Indian country, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and 22 other countries. As of March 2018, a total of 924 children had been successfully recovered through the AMBER Alert system.

The Internet Keep Safe Coalition (iKeepSafe) certifies digital products as compliant with state and federal requirements for handling protected personal information. They help organizations achieve and maintain compliance through product assessments, monthly monitoring, annual training, and assistance with remediation.

I Know Better Website
Founded in 2007, INOBTR (“I Know Better”) continues its mission to protect children and keep their families safe through proactive education and public awareness. The organization educates on a variety of children and youth safety topics including: Cell Phone Safety for children ages 8 and up; Child Abuse and Neglect; Child Sexual Abuse; Cyberbullying; Impact of Domestic Violence on Children; Internet Safety; Teen Dating Violence; and Youth in Crisis. INOBTR works in partnership with government and non-profit organizations to bring prevention education and action to the community level.

Amanda Todd Legacy Society
A non-profit society that focuses on awareness and the well-being of all individuals of all ages. We have a strong focus on prevention and awareness related to bullying, cyberabuse and internet safety. As well, resources and education encouraging positivity, mental health and wellness and how to stay safer online are shared on our website. Ongoing education and awareness to children, youth, parents, caregivers and community memories are of primary importance.

Project Safe Childhood
Project Safe Childhood is a nationwide initiative to combat the growing epidemic of child sexual exploitation and abuse launched in May 2006 by the Department of Justice.
Carly Ryan Foundation
Carly Ryan was 15-years-old when she was murdered by an online predator. It was the first crime of its type in Australia, occurring in 2007 when social media was a new phenomenon and pedophiles were starting to infiltrate the online space. Determined to help prevent harm to other innocent children and families and to help them navigate their online journey safely, Carly’s mum Sonya incorporated The Carly Ryan Foundation in 2010.The CRF is a certified online safety program provider under the Office of the eSafety Commissioner and delivers online safety and healthy relationship seminars to students and parents.