Parents, educators and the community have the ability to teach children how to protect themselves from online dangers and to be an active participant in their online activities.
The SVICAC Vigilant Parent Initiative is geared towards educating the community, especially parents, on basic social media and technology how-tos, prevention, awareness, and knowing how to talk to their child about protecting themselves online. Technology and the Internet are not inherently bad and are necessities in keeping up to date in this generation, so long as they do so safely. Teaching kids how to password protect and maintain privacy online are part of parenting nowadays. The Vigilant Parent Initiative provides online safety training and the signs to recognize when a child may potentially be in danger on-line. We explore popular apps like Instagram and Snapchat via hands-on interactive learning as well as the vocabulary that may be referenced by your child. We encourage parents to start the conversation with their children early and to keep up with the latest trends. Fill out the form below to request a presentation.